Wrapping Up Winter with Planning for Next Year

Wrapping Up Winter with Planning for Next Year
Spring is just around the corner. Well, I hope so anyway, Punxsutawney Phil did see his shadow this year, meaning we may be in for another six weeks of winter. If Mother Nature does bring any more calamity days our way, they will be remote learning days. This will help us end the school year on time, which is more important than ever so we can stay on track with our construction projects. 
Speaking of which, I would like to remind our high school students and families that in-person learning will end May 20 this year. Students will transition to remote learning May 23-June 2. We are on a very tight timeline with the renovation of our high school and this will give our construction crew a head start so that our building is ready to open at the beginning of next school year. Rest assured, we will honor all of our usual end-of-year activities, and please mark your calendar for our graduation ceremony, which will be held Sunday, June 5. The location will be announced soon.     
In other news, we learned from Hancock Public Health that the omicron variant has subsided in our community. As such, quarantine guidelines have been updated and can be found on our website.  We are approaching two years of dealing with COVID-19.  I know that most of us are experiencing “fatigue” over the virus and its variants. Let us be mindful and respectful of others as we continue to deal with concerns related to COVID-19.
Whether or not spring does make its arrival soon, plans are well underway for the 2022-2023 academic year. On Feb. 1, open enrollment and kindergarten registration opened. Open enrollees are accepted on a first-come first-served basis, so if you are a current open enrollment student and plan to come back next year, we encourage you to return your intent form as soon as possible. Please contact Susan Wright or me at [email protected] or 419-422-8526 with any questions. The open enrollment and kindergarten registration forms are available on our website at liberty-benton.org. We cannot wait to meet our class of 2035!
As always … GO EAGLES!
With Gratitude,
Mark Kowalski

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