High School Renovation Means Change to Last Day of School

High School Renovation Means Change to Last Day of School


With the passage of the bond issue in May of 2019, a renovation of the high school was recommended and co-funded by the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission. This renovation of our high school is scheduled to take place this summer and be completed in time for the start of the 2022-2023 school year. In order for this project to stay on track, a change to the last day of school for our high school students is being made due to the scope of work.


Originally planned for June 2, the last day of in-person learning for our high school students is now May 20. Students will transition to remote learning from May 23 - June 2 to finish out the school year. Alternative plans for graduation are also being made and will be communicated later. Graduation will still occur on June 5.


Elementary and middle school students will not be affected. Their last day of school remains June 2. 


If you have a high school student, please mark your calendar accordingly and thank you for your patience and understanding. We cannot wait to see how this improved learning environment will further our students’ educational experience.  

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