I often find myself talking about how rapidly our world is changing. Technology changes just as you learn a new way of doing things, information goes viral in seconds and we are constantly adjusting how we interact with the world. Liberty-Benton Local Schools has also changed the way we approach teaching our students and providing them with an excellent educational experience.

Our students are learning differently, utilizing technology, collaborating, diving deep into their passions and building skills they need to be successful beyond the classroom walls. Unfortunately, some of our classroom walls are facing serious issues and our aging facilities are threatening our ability to continue to adequately fund the exceptional learning opportunities we provide to prepare our students to soar now and in the future.
Today’s students need to be able to compete in the global marketplace. At Liberty-Benton, we are utilizing research-based, data-driven learning methods that empower our students to achieve not only academically, but also personally as they pursue interests that will drive them to persevere and reach their potential.
Teachers are increasing student success by incorporating blended learning into their classrooms and technology helps gauge student progress and delivers feedback so teachers can provide focused instruction in real time. But we know that academic success is not enough, so our students also collaborate on service learning where they develop empathy and think critically about how to positively influence the world around them.
It’s true – our students are experiencing tremendous growth but we continue to face challenges with our facilities. Our custodial and maintenance crews do an excellent job but they cannot outwork the antiquated and serious infrastructure issues or overcome the limitations our facilities pose to our students and teachers.
On May 7, we will be on the ballot because our school community needs to ensure our facilities are safe, purposeful and flexible enough to meet the needs of students over the next 50 years. More specifically, the bond issue includes a new pre-kindergarten through 8th grade facility, an 800-seat performance auditorium, and essential mechanical and material renovations to the high school. The more money we have to divert from the classroom experience to our facilities, the greater the impact our aging buildings have on our current and future students.
As I have stated before, our school buildings belong to the community and I encourage you to participate in our facilities planning meetings if you have not yet done so. You are also invited to attend our State of the Schools Address on March 11 at 7pm at Liberty-Benton High School. Also, do not forget to register to vote. Your voice is critical to the success of this process and the future of Liberty-Benton Local Schools.
Mark Kowalski
Liberty-Benton Local Schools