Thank You

According to, the definition of gratitude is “the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.” There is no better way to describe how I am feeling as the 2020-2021 school year ends. 
This past year, our nation experienced political and social unrest, a global pandemic, and financial challenges because of the pandemic. Regardless, the Liberty-Benton community continues to remain strong and provide endless support for our school district.  
I am especially grateful for Benton Ridge Council, Eagle, Liberty, and Blanchard Townships, who donated CARES Act dollars to the district to help us combat the effects of the pandemic. For our state and local officials, who did whatever necessary to keep our community and schools open and thriving as best they could. For our union leadership for supporting our staff. In addition, for our staff, who weathered the challenges of this year with professionalism, always making sure our students were their top priority.
This year has not been easy. However, for me at least, it has made me take a step back and reevaluate my priorities. I hope your experiences over the last year have helped you to do the same. Thank you for helping me understand the true meaning of gratitude. I hope everyone has a safe and restful summer and that we can all look forward to returning in August to a more normal school year.
With Gratitude,
Mark Kowalski

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