Community Advisory Team Update

Mr Kowalski We are in the midst of exciting times for the future of Liberty-Benton Schools. For the past year, we have been providing information to the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission to receive reliable feedback about how and when we may be funded for new school facilities and upgrades. While the past year has been focused on what the State of Ohio needed to move forward, our current focus is about what we, as a community and as a school district, need and want moving forward. 

In addition to the community meetings, we have hosted and surveys we have posted these past few months, we pulled together a group of community members on which we rely for insight and feedback to help guide our decisions and consider the construction and renovation opportunities that soon will be put before us. This Community Advisory Team (CAT) has been tasked with reviewing detailed financial estimates, enrollment projections, survey results and facility options, as well as providing feedback on how to move forward in the best interest of our students, staff and community. It has been no small task. 

The CAT has met three times this school year, in addition to attending the community meetings we held recently, and their commitment to the future of our school district has been unwavering. This team’s perspective is vital to the delivery of a final recommendation to the Liberty-Benton Board of Education in January; I am grateful for their commitment, insight and perspective. In addition, in January, I will present to the Board of Education the recommendations for our facilities.  

What it comes down to is that our aging buildings have significant needs. We cannot adequately address our facility needs without having to divert funds away from our daily operating budget; our custodial and maintenance crews do an excellent job but they simply cannot outwork the antiquated and serious infrastructure issues facing our schools. 

If you have any questions about the master facilities planning process, please do not hesitate to contact me. As parents and guardians of our district students, your voice is important. I am grateful for our community’s participation in our master facilities planning – our school buildings belong to the community, which is why community involvement is critical to the success of this process.

Mark Kowalski
Liberty-Benton Local Schools

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