Summer Reading Program Success

The theme “Catch a Dragon by the Tale” was this year’s Summer Library Program at Liberty-Benton Elementary. With the help of Alida Hause and Angie Garlock, the program was a huge success for our students. We had 308 kids ranging from age 3 to age 15 attend the program 1,575 times that lasted from June 8 through August 6. Students had the opportunity to check out books and take Accelerated Reader quizzes. Students read 856 books and took 878 quizzes. Wow!!! What an accomplishment for the summer.

Our top 5 students are:

Audrey Reed, 30.3 points
Emma Hertel, 13.9 points
Jackson Knepper, 13.8 points
Caleb Hochstettler, 10.5 points
Megan Gerken, 5.3 points

First Grade
Jonathan Coldren, 59.6 points
Alena Newhouse, 21.7 points
Calista Hamilton, 16.6 points
Jenna Nelson, 11.2 points
Elise Spears, 9.5 points

Second Grade
Madison Gaerke, 22.6 points
Elise Norman, 13.9 points
Emma McFarland, 12.6 points
Avery Knepper, 10.3 points
Adelynne Arps-Paris, 8.2 points

Third Grade
Emma Schroeder, 35.2 points
Lauren Gerken, 27.5 points
Christopher Beeman, 20.7 points
Owen Wilkins, 17.2 points
Braden Birkemeier, 13.2 points

Fourth Grade
Robert Coldren, 76.8 points
Kaylen Niese, 59.4 points
Laura Reed, 37.7 points
Alana Subramaniam, 28.3 points
Kendra Terry, 13.8 points

Fifth Grade
Brandon Gaerke, 19.5 points
Joseph Gaerke, 11.0 points
Alana Birkemeier, 10.0 points
Kendra Gardine, 5.4 points
Hayley Schlumbohm, 2.7 points

Robert Coldren, 76.8 points
Jonathan Coldren, 59.6 points
Kaylen Niese, 59.4 points
Laura Reed, 37.7 points
Emma Schroeder, 35.2 points

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, and students for attending this year’s summer reading program. We appreciate your help and support as we continue to enhance our students to be life-long readers.

Ronda Smith, LB Literacy Coach