February Message

When it is February in Ohio, it can seem like winter will never end.  Fortunately for us, for the first time in two years, Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow so hopefully we will have an early spring.  In the meantime, there’s been lots of exciting things happening at school. For example:

The demolition process of our old prek-8 building has begun.  All of the portable classrooms have been removed.  A portion of the far west side of the 1959 has also been partially removed.   As we say goodbye to our old building, we have thoughtfully preserved our proud heritage in a number of ways.

  1. A portion of the 1959 gymnasium floor has been preserved and proudly displayed in our high school gymnasium.
  2. The original dedication plaque to the 1921 and 1976 buildings have been preserved.  The 1921 plaque is mounted next to the new prek-8 dedication plaque.  
  3. The program for the new building dedication that contained a comprehensive summary of our district has been preserved in the new time capsule located behind the prek-8 dedication plaque.
  4. The original badging “Liberty TWP Centralized School 1921" has been carefully removed to be incorporated somewhere into our new campus.
Bricks from our beloved old school will be available for Liberty-Benton families after February 12, 2024.  The bricks will be located in the front parking lot of the 1921 building on Route 12.  

February 5-9, is Counselor Appreciation week.  We are thankful for the care and support our team of counselors provides to our students and staff.  Thank you, Mrs. Gazette, Mrs. Pickett, Mrs. Herr, and Mrs. Rath, for all you do for our students, parents, and teaching staff.

February 15th is also Student Resource Officer Appreciation Day.  Deputy Brandon Kendrick has served as our SRO since the 20-21 school year.   Thank you Deputy Kendrick for your service to the district.

Keep your eyes peeled for the 2022-2023 Liberty-Benton Quality Profile.  The Quality Profile captures the achievements and highlights from the previous school year. These should hit mailboxes later on this month.   The winter newsletter should reach mailboxes in early March.

Friendly reminder that we have used four of our five calamity days for the school year. After our fifth calamity day, we will switch to remote learning.

Fly Higher!
Bruce Otley

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