Treasurer's Office

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Lisa Dobbins, Treasurer 

The Liberty-Benton Local School District’s Treasurer’s Department handles all financial matters of the Board of Education and the District. This involves the receipting, safekeeping, accounting for, and disbursement of all public funds as required by law and in accordance with Board regulations and policies. The Treasurer’s Department maintains a complete and systematic set of financial records in accordance with State of Ohio statute, the Auditor of the State of Ohio, and the Bureau of Public Inspection and Supervision. The Treasurer’s Department administers all payroll functions and employee fringe benefit programs.


Ohio Ethics Law

The Ohio General Assembly created the Ohio Ethics Law and the Ohio Ethics Commission, as the administrator of the Ethics Law for most in public service, effective January 1, 1974. The Law can be found in R.C. Chapter 102 and related sections, R.C. 2921.42 and 2921.43.

The Ethics Law enacted new laws, since enhanced, that govern all public officials and employees by:

• Requiring personal Financial Disclosure to identify and protect against conflicting interests;
• Mandating legal restrictions on unethical conduct that have criminal sanctions;
• Establishing uniform review of ethics issues by statewide ethics commissions within each of the three branches of government.*

Fraud Reporting

The Ohio Fraud Reporting System provides citizens and public employees with several ways to anonymously report allegations of fraud, abuse or misuse of taxpayer funds. Individuals can anonymously call the Auditor of State’s Fraud Hotline at 866-FRAUD-OH (866-372-8364), complete an online complaint form located or submit their concerns via the U.S. mail to Ohio Auditor of State David Yost - Special Investigations Unit - 88 E. Broad St. - Columbus, OH 43215. 

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