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Honor Roll Policy

The Middle School Honor Roll will consist of an "All A" and an "A-B" Honor Roll. In order to make the honor roll, one must meet the A or A-B criteria and not have a "U" during the grading period.   


A. In computing the semester averages and the final average of a class, an average will be determined using numerical nine weeks’ grades. The grading scale is

A+ 99.5-100
A 95.5-99.49
A- 92.5-95.49
B+ 89.5-92.49
B 85.5-89.49
B- 82.5-85.49
C+ 79.5-82.49
C 75.5-79.49
C- 72.5-75.49
D+ 69.5-72.49
D 64.5-69.49
D- 62.5-64.49
F 0-62.499
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