Holiday Greetings

The Christmas season is one of my favorite times of the year.  It is a time for family and friends to gather together, to slow down, and to enjoy each other’s company.  For me, it brings back childhood memories of sipping hot chocolate, indulging in fresh baked homemade cookies, decorating the tree, and the excitement and anticipation of opening gifts with family and loved ones.

During this holiday season, our students have gotten into the giving spirit though hosting a canned food drive and a Coats for Christmas drive to provide food and warm winter coats, hats, and gloves to the needy in our local community.

We are blessed to host our first holiday concerts in our new auditorium, and to be enjoying the benefits of new and updated facilities.  Our wrestling team has moved into their new facility located in our field house, and we are off to another exciting basketball, wrestling, and bowling season.

As we approach Christmas break, I’d like to encourage everyone to slow down, spend quality time with loved ones, bake (and eat—you can work them off after the new year begins) the cookies, make the memories, and count your blessings.

I’d like to wish all of you a wonderful, restful Christmas break!  
Bruce Otley

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