It Takes a Village

This has been a school year like no other.  Despite the ever-changing needs of our students and the mounting obstacles before us, we have persevered.  Thank you for moving forward with determination, grace and creativity in order to make the best of this year.
In order to provide our students with the school environment they deserve, I feel like all of our staff have risen to the challenge of each new obstacle with flexibility and innovation.  

Our teachers are thinking outside of the box to present content in safe and effective ways...our office staff are working hard to not only keep on top of daily tasks but also the additional procedures surrounding school attendance amid a global pandemic...our administrators are doing their best to lead with courage and empathy in this time of uncertainty...our school nurse is monitoring everyone inside of our buildings and keeping families, students and staff informed about the ever-changing guidelines surrounding COVID-19...our transportation staff are working to ensure that our students both arrive to and return from school safely each day...our food service workers are providing meals to our students in a safe and efficient manner...and our custodial staff are working double time to ensure our learning environment are safe and clean – making in-person learning possible.  

Most importantly, all of our staff are keeping the socio-emotional needs of our students at the top of our priority list. I am grateful to each one of you.

In this season of thanksgiving, I would also like to thank our Liberty-Benton families and community.  Your support and patience have allowed us to move at the pace that is best for our students and staff. I am proud to be a part of a community that values education, as well as the safety and the well-being of everyone in our buildings. I truly does take a village to raise a child.

Watching our students walk into the Liberty-Benton school buildings earlier this school year held greater meaning this year than any other in my career.  And while we will continue to work together to see more school days inside the walls of our school buildings, let us also continue to work together to model resiliency and grace. Together we can provide our students with the support, guidance and space they need to not only succeed at school but also at whatever life sends their way.

With gratitude -

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